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Fishing Boat


It's a fair question

 and Simon Peter said unto them, “I am going fishing.” John 21:3

That's right, it's a verse in the Bible and our mantra. The back story is this: Jesus had just been crucified and Simon Peter was troubled and needed to go to his happy place. So he went fishing. That's what we do when life gets tough, we go to our happy place. We go fishing. Actually we don't need life to get tough to go fishing, but we can relate. The rest of that verse is good too; They said unto him, “We will also come with you.” They went out and got into the boat. 
So there you have it, the Bible says "go fishing, and take your friends with you." So next time your wife (or husband) complains about your next fishing trip, you can tell them that the Bible told you to do it, and you have the shirt to prove it!

Let us know what you need and we’ll do our best to assist you.

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